
Get $50 + give $50. Nominate places to StayAltered.

Love traveling and sharing the best places to stay? Live near a place that takes great care of your local community? Earn rewards for nominating places to StayAltered.

Join The StayAltered Community and add your Guest profile.

If you're selected to become a Super Guest, we'll invite you to a virtual orientation to get a unique code.

Gift $50 discounts to hosts you nominate + get $50 credit when they redeem your code!

What is a place to StayAltered?

Learn more about our mark of trust, seal of approval, and badge of honor.

StayAltered Guests

Step 1

Join the Community.

Become a StayAltered Guest for free.

Step 2

Stay & get rewards.

Get up to 9% rewards on eligible stays and up to 50% rewards on sustainable stays.

Step 3

Support & get more.

Earn extra benefits and perks when you share the rewards with the community.

Discover 100+ places to StayAltered in 30+ countries.

Why We Exist

People love to visit places people love to live. But the most visited places are becoming the worst places to live.

It's time to alter travel – for good.